LD 1547
pg. 1
LD 1547 Title Page An Act To Ensure Appropriate Development in Lands under the Jurisdiction of the... Page 2 of 2
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LR 1201
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §685-C, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Statewide plan for development guidelines.__The
commission shall adopt a plan and methodology to ensure that
appropriate development guidelines apply in undeveloped areas
under its jurisdiction that are not developed for which
development permits or classifications are sought.

Sec. 2. Actions pending development of plan; application. As of the effective
date of this Act, the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission may
not issue any permit for development on any parcel of land of 5
or more acres under its jurisdiction until the plan required
under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 685-C,
subsection 1-A is adopted. This section applies to applications
pending before the commission on and after the effective date of
this Act.

Sec. 3. Development of plan. In developing the statewide plan
required under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 685-
C, subsection 1-A, the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission

1. Hold hearings as needed in various regions of the State
where the guidelines would likely apply;

2. Develop a long-term vision for the areas of the State
under its jurisdiction that are currently not developed, taking
into consideration and encouraging:

A. Recreational opportunities;

B. Outdoor heritage and character of the State;

C. Containment of sprawl;

D. Community center development;

E. Traditional economic land and woods use; and

F. Other relevant factors;

3. Develop a strategy by which future development can be
guided in a manner that reinforces the vision developed under
subsection 2; and

4. Submit a report that includes the background and process
for developing the plan, the plan and any necessary implementing
legislation to the 122nd Legislature on or before March 1, 2006.

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