LD 1451
pg. 1
LD 1451 Title Page Resolve, To Enforce Environmental Health Protection Measures in Public Schools ... LD 1451 Title Page
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LR 529
Item 1

Sec. 1. Identification and enforcement of environmental health protection measures in
schools. Resolved: That the Department of Education shall identify
significant environmental health protection measures for public
schools serving kindergarten to grade 12 specified in law, such
as pest and chemical management. The department shall adopt
major substantive rules, pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A, to enforce these
significant environmental health protection measures. The
department also shall develop recommendations for reporting
requirements by school administrative units regarding the
implementation and effectiveness of environmental health
protection measures in the schools in those units. The
department shall develop recommendations for further measures
necessary to improve the environmental health in schools. The
department shall report back to the Second Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature by January 15, 2006 with its report,
recommendations and rules adopted pursuant to this resolve.


This resolve requires the Department of Education to identify
and enforce significant environmental health protection measures
for public schools serving kindergarten to grade 12. The
department is required to develop recommendations for reporting
requirements by school administrative units regarding the
effectiveness of the measures and possible additional measures.

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