LD 1104
pg. 1
LD 1104 Title Page An Act To Design and Implement a Pilot Program for Improved Fishing on Mount De... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6136 is enacted to read:

§6136.__Alewife management; Mount Desert Island

The commissioner, in consultation with the Department of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, shall adopt rules to restore fish
passage and manage alewives in Long Pond, Mount Desert Island.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §10108, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Mount Desert Island fisheries management program.__The
commissioner shall establish a fisheries management program for
the purpose of reestablishing salmon, brook trout and alewife
fisheries on Mount Desert Island.

A. The commissioner shall develop and implement the program
in collaboration with the Department of Marine Resources and
other appropriate federal, state and local government

B.__In establishing the program, the commissioner shall:

(1) Adopt rules to restore, enhance and protect wild
and stocked landlocked salmon that include, but are not
limited to, a daily catch limit of 2 salmon with only
one fish exceeding 24 inches and a requirement that any
salmon between 20 and 24 inches be released alive. The
rules must address, but are not limited to, issues
concerning Long Pond and Echo Lake;

(2)__Adopt rules to restore, enhance and protect wild
brook trout that include, but are not limited to, a
minimum length limit of 8 inches for keeping brook
trout; and

(3)__Develop and implement a plan to minimize the
negative impact of competing species on salmon, brook
trout and alewives.

C.__The commissioner shall work with appropriate federal,
state and local government entities to the maximum extent
possible to implement the program. At a minimum, the
commissioner shall make recommendations to appropriate
federal, state and local government entities regarding
salmon in Eagle Lake and Jordan Pond and brook trout in
streams within Acadia National Park.

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