LD 751
pg. 2
Page 1 of 6 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Legislative Youth Advisory Counc... Page 3 of 6
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LR 513
Item 1

(3) Two students at postsecondary educational
institutions located in the State; and

(4) One member Two members of the Senate whose term
coincides terms coincide with the term of office in
the Senate.

B. The Speaker of the House shall appoint 11 members as

(1) Six youths who are students in secondary schools
or who are enrolled in programs that lead to a
secondary school diploma or certificate of attendance
or a general equivalency diploma;

(2) One youth who is enrolled in an equivalent
instruction program under Title 20-A, chapter 211,
subchapter I-A 1-A;

(3) Two students at postsecondary educational
institutions located within the State; and

(4) Two members of the House of Representatives
whose terms coincide with their terms of office in
the House of Representatives.

C. The members of the Children's Cabinet, established
pursuant to Title 5, section 19131, serve ex officio and
may not vote.

Sec. 2. 3 MRSA §168-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 439, Pt.
PPPP, §1 and affected by §4, is repealed and the following
enacted in its place:

4.__Chairs.__There is a legislative chair and a youth chair
of the council.__The legislative chair alternates every 2
years between the first-appointed member of the House of
Representatives and the first-appointed member of the Senate,
beginning in 2003 with the first-appointed member of the House
of Representatives serving as the legislative chair for the
121st Legislature.__The members shall elect one of their youth
members to serve as the youth chair for a term of one year.

Sec. 3. Coordinating terms of current youth members of Legislative Youth Advisory
Council. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 3, section 168-A, the terms of the appointed
youth members of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council expire
on the following dates:

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