LD 742
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act To Establish a System of Self-governance for Unorganized Areas Page 3 of 4
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LR 1096
Item 1

§7602.__Municipal authority and organization

A town established under this chapter may organize and
conduct its affairs in the same manner as other towns
organized and operating under general law.__ The powers and
duties of the town are identical to those of other towns under
general law.__Upon incorporation, registered voters of the
town shall vote to name the town, to elect municipal officers
and to establish a seat of government for the town.

§7603.__Municipal services

The county commissioners of a town established under this
chapter shall develop a plan to phase out the provision of
municipal services to the residents of the previously
unorganized areas as authorized under section 7501, except
that a town may choose to contract with the county
commissioners of the county in which the town is located to
continue to provide municipal services to some or all of the
previously unorganized areas that constitute the town.__The
contracting authority must be granted by the registered voters
of the town to the municipal officers at annual meetings.

§7604. Taxation and revenue

The municipal officers of a town established under this
chapter have the authority to raise and collect all taxes
necessary for the operation of the town and its schools.__
Municipal officials have the authority to allocate and expend
all municipal tax revenue raised and collected in the town for
the operation of the town's government and schools.

§7605.__Disposition of unorganized territory funds,

and reserve accounts

The county commissioners of the county in which a town
established under this chapter is located shall transfer to
the town, once the town is incorporated, the balance of funds
in the county's unorganized territory fund established under
section 7502.__Upon transfer of the funds into the town's
general operating account, the town may expend the funds for
any services authorized by the town in any area of the town.__
The transferred funds may also be used to reduce the amount to
be collected in taxes in the same town during any budget year.

The county commissioners of the county in which a town
established under this chapter is located shall transfer to
the town, once the town is incorporated, the balance of any
contingent account or capital reserve account established by
the county under section 7502.__The funds must be transferred

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