LD 739
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Clarify Handicapped Parking Status for Disabled Veterans LD 739 Title Page
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LR 545
Item 1

vehicle is illegally parked or is in a metered space when
the time signal on the parking meter for that space
indicates no parking permitted without the deposit of a
coin or coins is prima facie evidence that the vehicle has
been parked illegally by the person in whose name the
vehicle is registered, and establishing reasonable charges
for metered parking.

(1) Illegal parking of a vehicle in violation of any
ordinance authorized by this paragraph is a civil

(2) The municipal officers may establish a method by
which persons charged with the violation of parking
regulations may waive all court action by payment of
specified fees within stated periods of time.

(3) The revenue collected from parking meters must
be used:

(a) To purchase, maintain and police the

(b) To construct and maintain public ways;

(c) To acquire, construct, maintain and operate
public parking areas; and

(d) For no other purpose.

(4) A vehicle that exhibits a permanent placard, a
temporary placard or a disability registration plate
issued under Title 29-A, section 521 or an out-of-
state registration plate that bears the words
"Disabled Veteran" may park at a parking area with a
meter without a charge and may park a length of time
that does not exceed twice the time limit otherwise

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect July 1, 2003.


This bill clarifies that a disabled veteran who resides out
of state and has a motor vehicle that has a license plate that
bears the words "Disabled Veteran" may park in a handicapped
parking area without having to obtain a special placard from
the Secretary of State.

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