LD 761
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Pertaining to Bear Hunting Permits LD 761 Title Page
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LR 1418
Item 1

A.__A person who possesses a valid license to hunt big game
is eligible to obtain a bear hunting permit from the

B.__The commissioner, through the commissioner's authorized
agent, shall issue a bear hunting permit to eligible
persons.__The fee for a bear hunting permit is $5 for
residents and $15 for nonresidents and aliens.

C.__An unexpired bear hunting permit must be carried by the
permittee at all times while bear hunting or while
transporting a bear.

Sec. 5. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 2002.


This bill establishes a new bear hunting permit that would be
required for all bear hunters beginning in 2002. This bill will:

1. Make the black bear hunting permit equivalent to that of
other big game species;

2. Eliminate a system that has allowed many hunters to take a
bear without a permit; and

3. Establish a mechanism that can be used in the future to
better distribute bear hunting pressure.

The bill also requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife to produce a bear transportation tag that is part of the
bear hunting permit. Currently the bear tag must be part of the
big game hunting license.

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