LD 578
pg. 1
LD 578 Title Page An Act to Assist Municipalities in Developing and Using Geographic Information ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 781
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §1890-I is enacted to read:

§1890-I.__Geographic Referencing Assistance Fund

1.__Establishment; purpose.__The Geographic Referencing
Assistance Fund is established for the purpose of enhancing the
ability of the office, State Planning Office and regional
councils, as defined by Title 30-A, section 2302, or alternate
service providers as identified in regional plans, to develop and
use geographic information systems and other related geographic
referencing tools for tracking patterns of development and
associated land use planning and to assist municipalities with
the use of these tools.__The administrator may accept monetary
contributions to the fund from any public or private source and
may spend or disburse those funds in a manner consistent with law
for the purposes stated in this subsection.

2.__Report to Legislature.__The administrator shall submit a
report to the joint standing committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over state and local government matters and taxation
matters by January 15, 2003, and every 2 years thereafter.__The
report must cover the 2 prior fiscal years of the department and
identify the amount of revenues that have been credited to the
Geographic Referencing Assistance Fund and the manner in which
those funds have been used.

Sec. 2. 33 MRSA §753 is enacted to read:

§753.__Geographic referencing surcharge

1.__Surcharge.__When any deed subject to taxation pursuant to
Title 36, section 4641-B is offered for recordation, a register
of deeds shall collect a surcharge of $15 in addition to any
other fees required by law.__The responsibility for the payment
of the surcharge must be divided equally between the grantor and
the grantee.

2.__Collection; transfer to Treasurer of State.__Each register
of deeds shall, on or before the 10th day of each month, pay to
the Treasurer of State 25% of the surcharge revenue collected
during the previous month pursuant to subsection 1.__If the
surcharge revenue collected is not paid by the 10th day of the
month, the Treasurer of State may impose interest at the rate
established pursuant to Title 36, section 186.__Ten percent of
the surcharge revenue collected may be retained for the county by
the register of deeds and accounted for to the county treasurer
as reimbursement for services rendered by the county in
collecting the surcharge.__The remaining 65% of surcharge revenue

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