LD 435
pg. 1
LD 435 Title Page An Act to Amend the Charter of the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Auth... LD 435 Title Page
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LR 1181
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. P&SL 1967, c. 92, §14, first ¶, as amended by P&SL 1993, c. 28, §3,
is further amended to read:

Sec. 14. Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Board. The authority is
under the management and direction of a board of directors, which
is known as the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Board,
also referred to as "the board" or "the board of the authority."
The board consists of 7 members. The director of the Lewiston
Department of Public Works, the City Administrator of the City of
Lewiston or the Assistant City Administrator, if designated by
the City Administrator or serving as acting City Administrator
during a vacancy in the office of City Administrator, the
superintendent and the president of the Auburn Sewerage District
and the City Manager of the City of Auburn or the Assistant City
Manager, if designated by the City Manager or serving as acting
City Manager during a vacancy in the office of City Manager, are
members of the board by virtue of their respective offices and in
the event of the termination of their respective officers they
continue as members of the board of the authority until their
replacements are elected or appointed. If the president of the
Auburn Sewerage District Trustees declines to serve or resigns as
a member of the board of the authority, the president shall
select another trustee to serve for the remainder of the term.
Notice of the appointment must be given in writing by the clerk
of the Auburn Sewerage District to the board of the authority.
The Mayor of Lewiston shall appoint, subject to confirmation of
the city council, a qualified voter of the city of Lewiston to
serve for a 2-year term on the board of the authority and
thereafter until a successor takes office. In the event that
either the Lewiston resident so selected or the appointee of the
president of the Auburn Sewerage District ceases to be a resident
of that person's respective city, or dies, becomes incapacitated,
or otherwise ceases to be a member of the Auburn Sewerage
District Trustees, or if the president of the Auburn Sewerage
District dies or becomes incapacitated while serving on the board
of the authority, a successor must be elected to serve out the
remainder of the term by the Mayor and City Council of Lewiston
or the Auburn Sewerage District Trustees, as the case may be.


This bill amends the Charter of the Lewiston-Auburn Water
Pollution Control Authority to include Lewiston's Assistant City
Administrator and Auburn's Assistant City Manager as board
members under certain circumstances.

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