LD 2221
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Restore Majority State Funding of Public Education in Maine LD 2221 Title Page
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LR 3091
Item 1

by the State Controller at the close of the fiscal year following
the end of that fiscal year, exceed those of the previous fiscal
year by 8% or more, on a base-to-base comparison excluding one-time
revenue gains and losses, the tax on the sale of those tangible
personal property and taxable services taxed at a rate of 6% on the
effective date of this paragraph shall must fall by 0.5% on the
subsequent October 1st, unless the Legislature takes action to
prevent the reduction, the sales tax is at a rate of 5% or lower or
the GPA provides 51% or less of the State's kindergarten,
elementary and secondary school actual operating and program costs
and debt service.

Sec. 2. Application. If on the effective date of this Act the Maine
Rainy Day Fund has received any funds during the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2000, pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 36, section 1811, the State Controller shall transfer these
funds to the general purpose aid for local schools program.


Current law requires that revenue derived from 0.5% of the
sales tax be transferred to the Maine Rainy Day Fund for each
month following a fiscal year in which General Fund revenue
exceeds 8% of projection and that the following October this
transfer be replaced with a drop of 0.5% in the rate of the sales
tax. This law amends current law to require that:

1. An amount equal to that generated by 0.5% of the sales tax
be transferred into the program for the general purpose aid for
local schools, referred to in this summary as "GPA" rather than
the Maine Rainy Day Fund if the GPA provides 51% or less of the
State's kindergarten, elementary and secondary school actual
operating and program costs and debt service;

2. Any funds provided to the GPA pursuant to this bill must
be built into the GPA's base appropriation for future budget

3. The transfer to the GPA does not include funds dedicated
to municipal revenue sharing;

4. That the tax rate may not be lowered if the tax rate is 5%
or lower or if the GPA provides 51% or less of the State's
kindergarten, elementary and secondary school actual operating
and program costs and debt service; and

5. That any funds transferred to the Maine Rainy Day Fund
under current law for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 be
transferred to the GPA.

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