LD 1540
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create a Historic Preservation Tax Credit LD 1540 Title Page
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LR 1453
Item 1

A.__If the disposition occurs one year or less from the date
the rehabilitation project is completed, an amount equal to
100% of the amount allowed as a credit in the year of
disposition and all prior years;

B.__If the disposition occurs more than one year but less
than 2 years from the date the rehabilitation project is
completed, an amount equal to 80% of the amount allowed as a
credit in the year of disposition and all prior years;

C.__If the disposition occurs 2 years or more but less than
3 years from the date the rehabilitation project is
completed, an amount equal to 60% of the amount allowed as a
credit in the year of disposition and all prior years;

D.__If the disposition occurs 3 years or more but less than
4 years from the date the rehabilitation project is
completed, an amount equal to 40% of the amount allowed as a
credit in the year of disposition and all prior years; or

E.__If the disposition occurs 4 years or more but less than
5 years from the date the rehabilitation project is
completed, an amount equal to 20% of the amount allowed as a
credit in the year of disposition and all prior years.

6.__Rules.__The bureau and the Maine Historic Preservation
Commission shall jointly adopt rules to implement this section.__
These rules are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 75, subchapter II-A.


This bill establishes a 20% income tax credit for the
rehabilitation of income-producing historic properties that are
listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic

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