LD 1503
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Require any Person or Organization That Gathers Signatures on Petitio... LD 1503 Title Page
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LR 1720
Item 1

4.__Circulators.__The names, addresses and telephone numbers
of circulators used by the paid signature collector and the
amount paid to each circulator;

5.__Length of residence.__The length of time the circulator
has been a resident of this State; and

6.__Other information.__Any other information the commission
determines necessary to preserve the integrity of the direct
initiative of legislation and people's veto procedures.

§1043.__Forms; filing dates; cumulative information

The commission shall prepare and make available forms to be
used by the paid signature collectors. Using these forms, a paid
signature collector shall file monthly with the commission the
reports required by section 1042.__The reports must be filed each
month until the process of collecting signatures is completed.__
The paid signature collector shall include the monthly and total


This subchapter does not apply to a circulator who is a paid
employee of a paid signature collector required to file a report
by this subchapter.


This bill requires a person, firm or organization that
contracts, subcontracts or agrees for compensation to circulate a
petition for the constitutional procedure of direct initiative of
legislation or people's veto to file monthly reports with the
Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.
Information in the report must include the names and addresses of
the person, firm or organization responsible for the collection
of signatures and the amount of payments made to the person, firm
or organization and its directors. Also required are the names,
addresses and length of residency in Maine of any persons hired
or used to circulate the petition.

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