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First Special Session of the 122nd

H.P. 899 - L.D. 1302

Resolve, Establishing The Task Force To Study Cervical Cancer Prevention, Detection and Education

     Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts and resolves of the Legislature do not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and

     Whereas, this resolve establishes the Task Force to Study Cervical Cancer Prevention, Detection and Education; and

     Whereas, the study must be initiated before the 90-day period expires in order that the study may be completed and a report submitted in time for submission to the next legislative session; and

     Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now, therefore, be it

     Sec. 1. Task force established. Resolved: That the Task Force to Study Cervical Cancer Prevention, Detection and Education, referred to in this resolve as "the task force," is established; and be it further

     Sec. 2. Task force membership. Resolved: That the task force consists of the following 16 voting members:

     1. Seven members appointed by the President of the Senate as follows:

     2. Seven members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives as follows:

     3. The medical director of the Maine Cancer Registry or the medical director's designee; and

     4. The Director of the Maine Breast and Cervical Health Program within the Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health and other members of the Bureau of Health, as necessary to the work of the task force, who serve as ex officio nonvoting members of the task force.

     When making appointments to the task force, each appointing authority shall ensure that appointees reflect the composition of the State's population with regard to ethnicity, race and age; and be it further

     Sec. 3. Chair. Resolved: That the Senate member shall serve as chair and the first-named House member shall serve as vice-chair; and be it further

     Sec. 4. Appointments; convening of task force. Resolved: That all appointments must be made no later than 30 days after the effective date of this resolve. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all appointments have been completed. The chair shall call and convene the first meeting of the task force by August 1, 2005; and be it further

     Sec. 5. Quorum. Resolved: That a majority of the task force constitutes a quorum for the transaction of its business; and be it further

     Sec. 6. Committees. Resolved: That the task force chair may establish committees for the purpose of making special studies pursuant to its duties and may appoint persons who are not members of the task force to serve on each committee as resource persons. Resource persons are voting members of the committees to which they are appointed. Committees may meet with the frequency needed to accomplish the purposes of this resolve; and be it further

     Sec. 7. Duties. Resolved: That the task force shall:

     1. Review statistical and qualitative data on the prevalence and incidence of cervical cancer in Maine;

     2. Review preventive strategies and new technologies, including newly introduced vaccines and their effectiveness in preventing and controlling the risk of cervical cancer, as well as their relative costs;

     3. Identify and examine the strengths and limitations of existing laws, regulations, programs and services regarding coverage and awareness of cervical cancer;

     4. Consider reports and testimony from individuals, local health departments, community-based organizations, voluntary health organizations and other public and private organizations statewide to learn more about their contributions to cervical cancer diagnosis, prevention and treatment and their ideas for improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment in Maine;

     5. Develop, in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, a statewide comprehensive cervical cancer prevention plan and strategies for plan implementation and for promoting the plan and awareness of the causes, risk factors, prevention, early detection and treatment of cervical cancer to the general public, state and local elected officials and various public and private organizations, associations, businesses, industries and agencies; and

     6. Recommend strategies for coordination and communication among state and local agencies and organizations regarding their involvement in achieving the aims of the cervical cancer prevention plan; and be it further

     Sec. 8. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the Legislative Council shall provide necessary staffing services to the task force; and be it further

     Sec. 9. Compensation. Resolved: That legislative members of the task force are entitled to receive the legislative per diem, as defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, and reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses for their attendance at authorized meetings of the task force. Public members not otherwise compensated by their employers or other entities that they represent are entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary expenses and, upon a demonstration of financial hardship, a per diem equal to the legislative per diem for their attendance at authorized meetings of the task force; and be it further

     Sec. 10. Report. Resolved: That, no later than December 7, 2005, the task force shall submit an initial report to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services and the Governor. The task force is not authorized to meet from December 21, 2005 to April 25, 2006 or to introduce legislation. The task force shall submit its final report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters by November 1, 2006. The joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services matters in the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature may report out legislation on cervical cancer prevention, detection and education; and be it further

     Sec. 11. Task force funding. Resolved: That the task force shall seek outside funds to fully fund all costs of the task force. If sufficient outside funding has not been received by September 15, 2005 to fully fund all costs of the task force, no meetings are authorized and no expenses of any kind may be incurred or reimbursed. Contributions to support the work of the task force may not be accepted from any party having pecuniary or other vested interest in the outcome of the matters being studied. Any person, other than a state agency, desiring to make a financial or in-kind contribution must certify to the Legislative Council that it has no pecuniary or other vested interest in the outcome of the study. Such certification must be made in the manner prescribed by the Legislative Council. All contributions are subject to approval by the Legislative Council. All funds accepted must be forwarded to the Executive Director of the Legislative Council along with an accounting record that includes the amount of funds, the date the funds were received, from whom the funds were received and the purpose of and any limitation on the use of those funds. The Executive Director of the Legislative Council shall administer any funds received by the task force. The executive director shall notify the chair of the task force when sufficient funding has been received; and be it further

     Sec. 12. Appropriations and allocations. Resolved: That the following appropriations and allocations are made.

Miscellaneous Studies 0444
Initiative: Provides an allocation of Other Special Revenue Funds in the event outside funding is collected to support the activities of the Task Force to Study Cervical Cancer Prevention, Detection and Education. If sufficient outside funding has not been received by September 15, 2005 to fully fund all costs of the task force, no meetings are authorized and no expenses of any kind may be incurred or reimbursed.     
FUNDS     2005-06     2006-07     

     __________     __________
FUNDS TOTAL               $4,480     $4,480

     Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this resolve takes effect when approved.

Effective June 21, 2005.

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