‘An Act To Exempt Persons Performing Simple Electrical Repairs from Licensing Requirements’
HP0591 LD 784 |
First Regular Session - 125th Maine Legislature C "A", Filing Number H-300, Sponsored by
LR 802 Item 2 |
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents | Chamber Status |
Amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting the following:
‘An Act To Exempt Persons Performing Simple Electrical Repairs from Licensing Requirements’
Amend the bill by striking out everything after the enacting clause and before the summary and inserting the following:
‘Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §1102-A, sub-§10, as amended by PL 2003, c. 551, §1, is further amended to read:
Sec. 2. 32 MRSA §1102-A, sub-§11, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 551, §2, is amended to read:
Sec. 3. 32 MRSA §1102-A, sub-§12 is enacted to read:
This amendment replaces the bill and is a minority report of the committee. This amendment exempts persons doing certain incidental electrical work from the electrician licensing requirements.