LD 930
First Regular Session - 124th Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 1541
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Complete an All-terrain Vehicle Trail through Pittston Farm

Sec. 1. Department of Conservation to create all-terrain vehicle trail through Pittston Farm. Resolved: That the Department of Conservation, through the Land for Maine's Future Fund, shall acquire a sufficient right-of-way to create an all-terrain vehicle trail that enters and leaves Pittston Farm in Rockwood, Maine. The Department of Conservation may use eminent domain if necessary to carry out the purposes of this resolve.


This resolve requires the Department of Conservation, through the Land for Maine's Future Fund, to acquire a sufficient right-of-way to create an all-terrain vehicle trail that enters and leaves Pittston Farm in Rockwood, Maine, using eminent domain if necessary.

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