LD 1796
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LD 1796 Title Page RESOLVE Chapter 170 Page 2 of 2
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LR 2982
Item 1


S.P. 713 - L.D. 1796

Resolve, Concerning the Assessment of Property Subject to

Affordable Housing Limitations and Benefits

Sec. 1. Review. Resolved: That the Department of Administrative and
Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services, referred to in
this resolve as "the bureau," shall review the factors that
should be considered by municipal assessors when determining the
just value of property acquired, rehabilitated or constructed
pursuant to federal laws related to affordable housing for low-
income persons. The factors to be reviewed must include, but are
not limited to, contracts and agreements, enforceable
restrictions on the use of such property, financial elements
including sales of such projects, government subsidies, tax
credits, permits and licenses and any other factors considered
relevant by the bureau; and be it further

Sec. 2. Informational program and materials. Resolved: That the bureau
shall prepare an informational program and materials for
municipal assessors that describe the factors that should be
considered by municipal assessors when determining the just value
of property acquired, rehabilitated or constructed pursuant to
federal laws related to affordable housing for low-income
persons. The informational program must be presented as part of
the bureau's annual Property Tax School; and be it further

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