LD 1596
pg. 1
LD 1596 Title Page An Act Limiting Clean Election Candidates' Campaign Soliciting LD 1596 Title Page
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LR 1021
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §1052, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Caucus campaign committee.__"Caucus campaign committee"
means a committee, the principal officers of which are members of
the party holding the largest or 2nd-largest number of seats in
the Senate or members of the party holding the largest or 2nd-
largest number of seats in the House of Representatives,
established to support the election of candidates of a party to
the respective chambers of the Legislature.

Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §1125, sub-§§2-A and 2-B are enacted to read:

2-A.__Political action committee participation prohibited.__
Except as provided in subsection 2-B, a participating candidate
may not solicit contributions or accept money for or otherwise
participate in a political action committee, as defined in
section 1052, subsection 5, established to influence the election
or defeat of legislative candidates or to support that
participating candidate's effort to be elected to a legislative
leadership position.

2-B.__Soliciting contributions for caucus campaign committees
permitted.__A participating candidate may solicit contributions
for a caucus campaign committee, as defined in section 1052,
subsection 1-A, if the participating candidate does not solely
make expenditures on behalf of the caucus campaign committee.


This bill provides for the creation of caucus campaign
committees established to support the election of candidates and
determine legislative leadership of the 2 major parties in the
House of Representatives and the Senate. This bill prohibits a
Maine Clean Election Act candidate from participating in
political action committees, except that a Maine Clean Election
Act candidate may solicit contributions for a caucus campaign

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