LD 905
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Modernize the Innkeeping Statutes LD 905 Title Page
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LR 1252
Item 1

the innkeeper, setting forth the name and residence of the guest.
If the guest is a minor, the innkeeper may require a parent of the
guest to register and to accept in writing liability for the guest
room costs, taxes, all charges incurred by the minor and any
damages to the guest room or its furnishings caused by the minor
while a guest at the hotel or lodging house.

Sec. 5. 30-A MRSA §3838, sub-§2, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 59, §1,
is further amended to read:

B. Provides the innkeeper or campground owner with a valid
credit card number or cash deposit to cover the guest room
or campground site costs, taxes, charges by the minor and
any damages to the guest room or its furnishings or to the
campground site caused by the minor. Any cash deposit
provided must be refunded to the extent not used to cover
any charges or damages as determined by the innkeeper or
campground owner following room or campground site
inspection at check-out.__The innkeeper or campground owner
may accept a valid credit card number from the minor to
cover the guest room or campground site costs, taxes,
charges by the minor and any damages to the guest room or
its furnishings or to the campground site caused by the


This bill amends several sections of the law dealing with
innkeeping and lodging. The bill amends the provision requiring
all guests to register. The bill also requires that a guest who
is overcharged must be reimbursed the amount charged minus the
posted rate for the room. The bill also changes the law
requiring an innkeeper or campground owner to accept a credit
card from a minor to cover guest expenses, instead making it
optional. Lastly, the bill permits the owner of a lodging house
or hotel that has 10 or fewer guest rooms to decline to admit
children as occupants.

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