121st Maine Legislature
Office of Fiscal and Program Review
LD 664
An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing the Tax on Motor Fuel       
LR 0142(01)
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. McKenney of Cumberland
Committee: Transportation
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $412 $4,747 $26,307 $37,994
Highway Fund $6,385,057 $11,799,548 $17,670,781 $23,658,795
General Fund ($412) ($4,747) ($26,307) ($37,994)
Highway Fund ($6,385,057) ($11,799,548) ($17,670,781) ($23,658,795)
Other Special Revenue Funds $0 $0 ($298,264) ($407,832)
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Highway Fund - Gas Tax ($3,581,979) ($7,715,883) ($12,292,710) ($16,808,517)
Highway Fund - Special Fuel Tax ($2,803,078) ($4,083,665) ($5,378,071) ($6,850,278)
Repealing the annual indexing of motor fuel taxes and increasing the gasoline and special fuel taxes will result in a net loss of Highway Fund revenue of $6,385,057 in fiscal year 2003-04 and $11,799,548 in fiscal year 2004-05 and a loss of General Fund revenue of $412 and $4,747 in those same years, assuming the bill takes effect July 1, 2003 so that indexing would not start.