LD 718
pg. 1
LD 718 Title Page An Act To Create a New Pension System for Newly Hired Teachers and State Employ... LD 718 Title Page
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LR 839
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill would create a new retirement program for teachers
and state employees hired on or after January 1, 2004.
Instead of being covered by the existing state employee and
teacher plan of the Maine State Retirement System, new hires
would be required to participate in Social Security and would
also be covered by a newly created defined benefit plan.

The new plan would be modeled on current law but designed to
have an initial actuarial cost of approximately 4% of payroll.
The normal retirement age would be 62, and the penalty for
early retirement would be 4% per year. The cost of the plan
would be allocated so that the State would pay 75% of the cost
and the employee would pay 25% of the cost. Employees would
also have an option to purchase an increased benefit by paying
1/3 of the cost with the State paying the other 2/3, up to an
additional 6% of payroll.

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