LD 385
pg. 1
LD 385 Title Page An Act to Change the Reporting Requirements for the Mercury Switch Removal Prog... LD 385 Title Page
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §1665-A, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 656, §3,
is amended to read:

9. Reporting. Before January 1, 2003 and annually
thereafter, motor vehicle manufacturers doing business in the
State shall report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over natural resources matters
on any fee or other charge collected on the sale of new motor
vehicles for the purpose of paying the cost of carrying out
the manufacturer responsibilities under subsection 5. The
report must specify the amount of the fee or charge collected
and how the amount of the fee or charge was determined.
Before July 1, 2004 and annually thereafter, motor vehicle
manufacturers shall report in writing to the department on the
results of the source separation required under this section.
The report must include, at a minimum, the number of mercury
switches removed and recycled from motor vehicles during the
previous calendar year; the estimated total amount of mercury
contained in the components; and any recommendations to
improve the future collection and recycling of motor vehicle
components. Before January 1, 2005 2004 and annually
thereafter, the department shall report to the Mercury
Products Advisory Committee on the effectiveness of the source
separation required under this section, whether the partial
reimbursement payment under subsection 5, paragraph B should
be adjusted to increase the number of switches brought to
consolidation facilities, whether other motor vehicle
components should be added to the source separation efforts
and whether the program should be terminated and, if so, when.


Current law requires the Department of Environmental
Protection to report on the effectiveness of source separation
of mercury-added products before January 1, 2005. This bill
moves the reporting date up to January 1, 2004.

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