LD 998
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Preserve and Improve Public Access to Inland and Coastal Waters LD 998 Title Page
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LR 246
Item 1

technologies to conduct its business, subject to Title 1, chapter
13, subchapter I.

5.__Duties.__The committee shall:

A.__Approve the criteria and specifications for what
constitutes safe access from roadways and bridges for
recreational purposes and fishing, giving consideration to
the proximity of fishing or other recreational resources,
practical physical concerns and public safety;

B.__Review all bridges and sections of roadways under the
responsibility of the State, not including controlled access
highways, under the criteria established pursuant to
paragraph A for the purpose of identifying roadways and
bridges suitable for recreational access measures;

C.__Work with staff and other experts and interested parties
in developing specific designs and changes for existing
state roadways and bridges, as well as state roadways and
bridges proposed or under construction, that would
practically meet the criteria developed in paragraph A; and

D.__Direct appropriate measures to the Commissioner of
Transportation that provide for safe and practical access
for recreationalists on state bridges and roadways, both
existing and proposed, that are proximate to recreational
water resources.

6.__Meetings.__The committee shall meet at the call of the
chair but no less than quarterly.

7.__Compensation.__Committee members are entitled to
reimbursement of expenses pursuant to Title 5, chapter 379.


This bill creates the Recreational Access Committee to provide
direction to the Commissioner of Transportation to make
improvements to state roads and bridges to allow for safe access
for recreation and fishing.

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