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State of Maine Legislature

Summary of LD 741

Bill Info
LD 741 (SP 299)
"An Act to Prohibit Training Repayment Agreements by Employers"
Sponsored by Senator Michael Tipping

Status Summary
Reference Committee Labor and Housing
Last House Action 11/20/2024 -  The Bill was in the possession of the House upon the conclusion of the 131st Legislature and was placed in the Legislative Files. (DEAD)
Last Senate Action 5/10/2024 -  Under suspension of the Rules On motion by Same Senator The Senate RECONSIDERED whereby the Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (S-200)
Under further suspension of the Rules On further motion by Same Senator The Senate RECONSIDERED whereby Committee Amendment "A" (S-200) was ADOPTED
On further motion by Same Senator Senate Amendment "A" (S-721) to Committee Amendment "A" (S-200) READ and ADOPTED
Committee Amendment "A" (S-200) as Amended by Senate Amendment "A" (S-721) thereto ADOPTED
PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (S-200) AS AMENDED BY Senate Amendment "A" (S-721) thereto In NON-CONCURRENCE
Ordered sent down forthwith for concurrence
Last Engrossed by House on 6/12/2023
Last Engrossed by Senate on 5/10/2024

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