State of Maine Legislature
Actions for LD 693 Bill Info | LD 693 (HP 462) | "An Act to Protect Inland Water Quality, Shorelines, Wildlife and Public Safety by Prohibiting Operation of a Wake Boat to Create an Enhanced Wake Close to Shore or in Shallow Water" | Sponsored by Representative Walter Riseman |
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/16/2023 |
House |
Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife suggested and ordered printed. The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
2/16/2023 |
Senate |
The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on INLAND FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE in concurrence |
3/30/2023 |
House |
Carried over, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 131st Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 594.
6/6/2023 |
House |
Reports READ. On motion of Representative LANDRY of Farmington, the Majority Ought Not to Pass Report was ACCEPTED. ROLL CALL NO. 126 (Yeas 91 - Nays 47 - Absent 12 - Excused 0 - Vacant 1) Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
6/7/2023 |
Senate |
Reports Read On motion by Senator LaFOUNTAIN of Kennebec the Majority Ought Not to Pass Report ACCEPTED. in concurrence Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 230 Yeas 30 - Nays 4 - Excused 1 - Absent 0 PREVAILED Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) |