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State of Maine Legislature

Actions for LD 867

Bill Info
LD 867 (HP 635)
"An Act To Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years To Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations into Reproductive Harm"
Sponsored by Representative Tracy Quint

3/10/2021 House Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES suggested and ordered printed.
On motion of Representative MEYER of Eliot, the Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
3/10/2021 Senate On motion by Senator Sanborn of Cumberland, REFERRED to the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services, in concurrence.
3/30/2021 House Carried over, in the same posture, to a subsequent special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order SP 435.
5/19/2021 House Report of the Chair-Pursuant to Joint Order S.P. 9

Representative TEPLER from the Committee on HEALTH COVERAGE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Reports a recommendation for a CHANGE OF COMMITEE.
Report was READ and ACCEPTED.
On motion of Representative TEPLER, the Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES.
Sent for concurrence.
5/19/2021 Senate Report READ and ACCEPTED
On motion by Senator SANBORN of Cumberland Tabled until Later in Today's Session, pending Reference to Committee.
Taken from the table by the President
The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES in concurrence
7/19/2021 House Carried over, in the same posture, to any special or regular session of the 130th Legislature, pursuant to Joint Order HP 1302.
2/23/2022 House Reports READ.
On motion of Representative MEYER of Eliot, the Majority Ought Not to Pass Report was ACCEPTED.
(Yeas 76 - Nays 59 - Absent 13 - Excused 0)
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
3/9/2022 Senate Reports Read
On motion by Senator CLAXTON of Androscoggin the Majority Ought Not to Pass Report ACCEPTED. in concurrence
Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 594 Yeas 17 - Nays 13 - Excused 4 - Absent 0
Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD)

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