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State of Maine Legislature

Actions for LD 1463

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LD 1463 (HP 1048)
"An Act To Examine Best Practices Relating to Tax Expenditures"
Sponsored by Representative Margaret Rotundo

4/25/2013 House Committee on Taxation suggested and ordered printed.
The Bill was REFERRED to the Committee on TAXATION.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
4/25/2013 Senate On motion by Senator Haskell of Cumberland, REFERRED to the Committee on Taxation, in concurrence.
7/9/2013 House Carried over to any special and/or regular session of the 126th Legislature pursuant to Joint Order HP 1145.
7/10/2013 Senate CARRIED OVER to any Special or Regular Session of the 126th Legislature pursuant to Joint Order HP 1145.
4/4/2014 House Reports READ.
On motion of Representative GOODE of Bangor, the Majority Ought to Pass as Amended Report was ACCEPTED.
(Yeas 101 - Nays 41 - Absent 9 - Excused 0)
The Bill was READ ONCE.
Committee Amendment "A" (H-800) was READ and ADOPTED.
Under suspension of the rules, the Bill was given its SECOND READING without REFERENCE to the Committee on Bills in the Second Reading.
The Bill was PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED as Amended by Committee Amendment "A" (H-800).
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
4/7/2014 Senate Reports READ
On motion by Senator HASKELL of Cumberland Majority Ought to Pass As Amended Report ACCEPTED , in concurrence.
Roll Call Ordered Roll Call # 547 27 Yeas - 8 Nays- 0 Excused - 0 Absent PREVAILED
Committee Amendment "A" (H-800) READ and ADOPTED

Under suspension of the Rules, READ A SECOND TIME PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY Committee Amendment "A" (H-800) , in concurrence.
4/8/2014 House FINALLY PASSED.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
4/9/2014 Senate On motion by Senator CAIN of Penobscot PLACED ON THE SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS TABLE pending ENACTMENT , in concurrence.
4/16/2014 Senate TAKEN from the Special Appropriations Table by Senator Hill of York.
FINALLY PASSED , in concurrence.
Roll Call Ordered Roll Call # 595
31 Yeas - 3 Nays- 0 Excused - 1 Absent PREVAILED
5/1/2014 House On motion of Representative FREDETTE of Newport the Resolve was TABLED pending RECONSIDERATION.
Later today assigned.
5/1/2014 House Speaker laid before the House
This Resolve, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the House proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?"
104 having voted in the affirmative and 42 in the negative, with 5 being absent, and accordingly it was the vote of the House that the Resolve become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor, since two-thirds of the members of the House so voted.
Sent for concurrence. ORDERED SENT FORTHWITH.
5/1/2014 Senate LD 1463 In Senate, May 1, 2014, this Bill, having been returned by the Governor, together with objections to the same pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Maine, after reconsideration, the Senate proceeded to vote on the question: "Shall this Bill become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor?" 25 in the Affirmative and 10 in the Negative , accordingly it was the vote of the Senate that the Bill become law and the VETO was OVERRIDDEN.
Roll Call # 660
25 Yeas - 10 Nays- 0 Excused - 0 Absent

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