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First Regular Session of the 120th

H.P. 565 - L.D. 720

An Act to Increase the Bonding Limit of the Trustees of the City of Brewer High School District from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. P&SL 1925, c. 4, §5, first sentence, as amended by P&SL 1973, c. 47, is further amended to read:

To procure funds for the purposes of this Act and such other expenses as may be necessary to the carrying out of said purposes, the said district, by its trustees, is hereby authorized to issue notes and bonds, but shall not incur a total indebtedness exceeding the sum of $2,500,000 $5,000,000 at any one time outstanding.

     Sec. 2. Referendum; effective date. This Act takes effect only if the trustees of the City of Brewer High School District submit this Act to the legal voters of the City of Brewer no later than December 31, 2001 and only if the majority of the voters approve this Act as provided in this section. The election must be called, advertised and conducted according to the law relating to municipal elections, except that the board of registration in the City of Brewer is not required to prepare for posting, nor is the city clerk required to post, a new list of voters. For the purpose of registration of voters, the board of registration must be in session the 3 secular days next preceding the election, the first 2 days to be devoted to the registration of voters and the last day to enable the board to verify the corrections of the lists of voters and to complete and close up their records of these sessions.

     The city clerk shall prepare the required ballots and shall reduce the subject matter of this Act to the following question:

     The voters shall indicate by a cross or check mark placed against the words "Yes" or "No" their opinion of the same.

     This Act takes effect immediately upon its approval by a majority vote of the legal voters voting at the election, provided the total number of votes cast for and against the approval of this Act at the election equals or exceeds 20% of the total vote for all candidates for Governor in the city at the most recent gubernatorial election.

     The election results must be declared by the municipal officers of the City of Brewer and due certificate of the results filed by the city clerk with the Secretary of State.

Effective pending referendum.

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