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First Regular Session of the 120th

H.P. 195 - L.D. 206

An Act to Clarify the Use of 2-sided Ballots

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 21-A MRSA §848, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 459, §100, is further amended to read:

     1. Ballot format. Ballots furnished for elections must have the titles of offices and the names of candidates arranged in vertical columns. The office title with a statement of the number of candidates to be voted for must be printed above the names of the candidates for that office. The names of candidates must be printed in the order provided by law. In all except primary and nonpartisan elections, the party designation of each candidate must be printed following or below the candidate's name, in bold type. The number of columns and the length of the ballot may be adjusted as is necessary to accommodate all of the offices, candidates and write-in spaces constituting the total slate for that election. The Secretary of State shall determine the colors of paper on which each ballot must be printed. Symbols such as arrows or ovals may be used to indicate the voter's choice of candidate for each office for which the voter must either complete an arrow or completely fill in an oval to indicate the voter's choice. For ballots that are double-sided, each side of the ballot must include a clearly printed message at the bottom of the ballot reminding the voter to mark both sides of the ballot.

Effective September 21, 2001, unless otherwise indicated.

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