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First Regular Session of the 119th


H.P. 326 - L.D. 442

Resolve, to Create a Study Group Regarding Pharmaceutical Guidelines for Geriatric Residents in Long-term Care Settings

Preamble. Whereas, significant quantities of pharmaceuticals are used in the treatment of geriatric residents in long-term care settings; and

     Whereas, it is important to the residents and to the State that pharmaceuticals are used properly and economically; and

     Whereas, guidelines for the use of pharmaceuticals for geriatric patients can assist administrators and service providers in making decisions about pharmaceuticals for that population; now, therefore, be it

     Sec. 1. Study group to review and recommend voluntary guidelines for use of pharmaceuticals. Resolved: That the Department of Human Services shall form a study group to review and recommend voluntary guidelines for the use of pharmaceuticals to treat geriatric patients. The study group must include consumers, advocates for consumers, physicians, medical directors, administrators, nurses and consultant pharmacists who practice in long-term care facilities. The purpose of the guidelines is to enhance the ability of health care practitioners to provide appropriate drug therapy in the most cost-effective manner. The study group shall review existing pharmaceutical care guidelines in other states and Canada and strategies for encouraging the use of the guidelines by providers of health care services; and be it further

     Sec. 2. Department of Human Services to provide staffing. Resolved: That the Department of Human Services shall provide staff assistance to the study group. The study group may meet as often as it considers necessary to perform its duties. The study group shall solicit input from interested parties; and be it further

     Sec. 3. Guidelines to be reviewed by March 1, 2000. Resolved: That the study group shall review the guidelines by March 1, 2000 and shall present a copy of the guidelines to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services. The study group shall also disseminate and encourage use of the guidelines to administrators and service providers who work with geriatric patients.

Effective September 18, 1999, unless otherwise indicated.

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