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First Regular Session of the 119th


     Sec. C-1. 23 MRSA §704, first ¶, as amended by PL 1971, c. 593, §22, is further amended to read:

     It shall be is unlawful to construct or maintain any driveway, entrance or approach within the right-of-way of any state or state aid highway which that lies outside of the compact or built-up section, so called area of an urban compact municipality, as defined in section 754, without a written permit from the department, or if within the compact or built up section, so called area, without a written permit from the proper town officials, and such the right-of-way shall be deemed is considered the full width of the right-of-way as laid out by the State, county or the town. The department is directed and towns are authorized and directed to make such rules and regulations as to design, location and construction of driveways, entrances and approaches on said those highways as will adequately protect and promote the safety of the traveling public, but the department and the towns shall in no case may not deny reasonable ingress to and egress to from property abutting the highway except on limited access highways. No A permit shall be is not required for any existing driveway, entrance or approach unless the grade or location of the same is changed, but if any driveway, entrance or approach is changed in location or grade or improved, a permit shall be is required. If any existing driveway, entrance or approach is changed in degree or kind of use, a permit shall be is required.

     Sec. C-2. 23 MRSA §705, as repealed and replaced by PL 1989, c. 46, §1, is amended to read:

§705. Culverts

     The Department of Transportation shall be is responsible for administering the placement of culverts within the right-of-way on improved state and state aid highways lying outside the compact section, or within the compact section of a municipality having a population of less than 6,000 area of an urban compact municipality as defined in section 754. Whenever When an abutter wants an entrance to be constructed on these highways, the abutter shall petition the department for a permit as provided under section 704. Should a permit be issued and a culvert is required, the abutter shall provide, at the abutter's expense, a culvert satisfactory to the department, which the department shall install and thereafter maintain.

     For locations on town ways and on state and state aid highways within the compact area of a an urban compact municipality having a population of 6,000 and over pursuant to section 754, the municipality shall must be petitioned by the abutter pursuant to section 704. Should a permit be issued, the abutter shall provide, at the abutter's expense, a culvert satisfactory to the municipality, which the municipality shall install and thereafter maintain.

     Sec. C-3. 23 MRSA §754, as amended by PL 1997, c. 539, §1 and affected by §2, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§754. Town maintenance in compact areas

     1. Jurisdiction. Except as otherwise provided, all state and state aid highways within compact areas of urban compact municipalities, as defined in subsection 2, as determined by the department must be maintained in good repair by the town in which the highways are located at the expense of the town. Municipalities must be notified one year in advance of changes in compact or built-up sections that place additional maintenance responsibilities on the municipalities. Municipalities may waive the requirement of the one-year notice. When any town neglects to maintain the highways within 14 days after notice given its municipal officers by the department, the department may proceed to make necessary repairs to that way, which must be paid for by the State and the cost for the repairs must be withheld from funds due the town under the Urban-Rural Initiative Program, established in chapter 19, subchapter VI. The amounts collected from these towns must be added to the fund for maintenance of state and state aid highways.

     2. Urban compact municipalities and compact areas; opt-out provision. Urban compact municipalities and compact areas are defined as follows and may opt out in accordance with this subsection.

     3. Good condition upon transfer. When the responsibility for maintenance of a section of state or state aid highway is to be transferred to a municipality as a result of population growth, and when the municipality is not eligible to opt out of summer maintenance pursuant to subsection 2, paragraph C, the department shall prepare a capital and maintenance plan to ensure that the section of state or state aid highway is in good repair at the time of transfer. The plan must be developed in consultation with the affected municipality. For the purpose of this subsection, "good repair" means actions intended to reasonably avoid nonroutine maintenance activities for a minimum of 10 years and includes consideration of ditching, culverts, major structural defects and pavement condition ratings of 3.3 or higher as determined by the department. This subsection applies to a municipality that has previously opted out of summer maintenance pursuant to subsection 2, paragraph C at such point as population growth makes the municipality ineligible to opt out.

     Sec. C-4. 23 MRSA §802, as amended by PL 1981, c. 492, Pt. C, §7, is further amended to read:

§802. Maintenance by State

     State aid highways shall must be continually maintained under the direction and control of the department at the expense of the State except as provided in section 754 and 1003.

     Sec. C-5. 23 MRSA §1001, 4th ¶, as amended by PL 1981, c. 588, §2, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

     The maintenance provisions of this section and sections 705, 751, 1003 and 1005-A do not apply to compact areas of urban compact municipalities as defined in section 754.

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