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Second Regular Session of the 118th


H.P. 1524 - L.D. 2146

An Act to Amend the Laws Concerning Participating Local Districts in the Maine State Retirement System

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §18201, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

     3-A. Compliance with federal law. The local district is responsible for compliance with 26 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 31, with Section 401 of the United States Internal Revenue Code and with other relevant federal law and rules with respect to its employees, including employees to whom section 18252-A applies.

     Sec. 2. 5 MRSA §18251, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1991, c. 619, §12 and affected by §18, is further amended to read:

     1. Compulsory membership. Membership is compulsory for all employees entering the service of a participating local district after the date of establishment for the participating local district, except as otherwise provided by subsection 2; section 18201, subsection 3; section 18252; or section 18252-A; section 18256; or section 18801, subsection 1, paragraph D.

     Sec. 3. 5 MRSA §18252, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 801, §§5 and 7, is amended to read:

     An employee who is or would be covered by the United States Social Security Act as a result of his employment by a participating local district having a so-called "Social Security Section 218 agreement" may elect to join, not to join or to withdraw from the retirement system under the following conditions.

     Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §§18252-A and 18252-B are enacted to read:

§18252-A. Membership in district without Social Security Section 218 agreement coverage and with plan provided by the employer under section 18252-B

     1. Membership. An employee of a participating local district that does not have a so-called "Social Security Section 218 agreement" and that has a plan provided by the employer under section 18252-B may elect to be a member under the retirement system or to be covered under the plan provided by the employer in accordance with the following.

     2. District employer responsibilities. Responsibilities of the participating local district employer are as follows.

     3. Exclusions. This section does not apply to employees of participating local districts who are employed in part-time, seasonal or temporary positions or to employees for whom membership in the retirement system is optional under section 18201, subsection 3; section 18251, subsection 2; section 18252; or section 18801, subsection 1, paragraph D or denied under section 18256.

§18252-B. Requirements for plan provided by district employer for employees to whom section 18252-A applies

     The plan provided by the participating local district employer for employees to whom section 18252-A applies must meet the following requirements.

     1. Internal Revenue Code. The plan must meet the requirements of United States Internal Revenue Code, Section 401(a) for defined contribution plans or United States Internal Revenue Code, Section 457 for deferred compensation plans, or both.

     2. Employer contribution. The employer must contribute as a percentage of compensation on behalf of each employee in each pay period an amount not less than the employer would be required to pay if the employee were covered under the United State Social Security Act, not including the Medicare portion of the payment, consistent with applicable contribution limits of federal law.

     3. Employee contribution. The employee must contribute as a percentage of compensation in each pay period an amount not less than the employee would have been required to contribute had the employee been a member under the retirement system under the so-called "Regular Plan A" of the consolidated plan for participating local districts, consistent with applicable contribution limits of federal law.

     4. Education. The employer must provide for employees to whom section 18252-A applies an education program that meets the requirements of federal law for such programs for the plan that the employer provides.

     5. Disability benefits. For employees who become covered under the plan, the employer must provide a disability benefit program, the cost of which must be paid by the employer. At a minimum, that program must establish eligibility criteria, provide coverage for physical and mental disabilities and provide a level of benefits at least equal to 60% of the employee's annual compensation.

     6. Change or termination of plan. Except with respect to current employees covered under the plan and with respect to persons receiving benefits under the plan, the employer may change or terminate the plan at any time, to the extent that change or termination is not prohibited by other law. The employer may allow current employees covered under the plan the choice to instead be covered under the changed plan.

Effective June 30, 1998, unless otherwise indicated.

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