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Second Regular Session of the 118th


     Sec. LL-1. PL 1997, c. 24, Pt. S, §3 is amended to read:

     Sec. S-3. Transfer to the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the State Controller closes the financial accounts of the State for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 $4,000,000 must be transferred to the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System for the Maine Economic Improvement Strategy from the available balance remaining in the General Fund after the deduction of all appropriations, financial commitments or other designated funds as the next priority after the State Contingent Account, as established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 1507, is replenished, to be made available by financial order upon the recommendation of the State Budget Officer and approval of the Governor.

     Sec. LL-2. 2000-2001 Biennial Budget funding. The University of Maine System is authorized to include the $4,000,000 anticipated to be transferred at the end of fiscal year 1997-98 from available General Fund balances as part of their "current services" budget request to the Governor and the Legislature in the 2000-2001 biennium.

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