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Second Regular Session of the 118th


     Sec. C-1. 24 MRSA §2319, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332, Pt. N, §1, is further amended to read:

§2319. Newborn children coverage

     All individual and group nonprofit hospital and medical service organization contracts must provide that benefits are payable with respect to a newly born child from the moment of birth.

     The coverage for newly born children shall must consist of coverage of injury or, sickness or other benefits provided by the contract, including the necessary care and treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects and birth abnormalities.

     If payment of a specific subscription fee is required to provide coverage for a child, the contract may require that notification of birth of a newly born child and payment of the required fees must be furnished to the nonprofit hospital or medical service organization within 31 days after the date of birth in order to have the coverage continue beyond such that 31-day period. The payment may be required to be retroactive to the date of birth. Benefits required by section 2318-A must be paid regardless of whether coverage under this section is elected.

     The requirements of this section shall apply to all subscriber contracts delivered or issued for delivery in this State more than 120 days after the effective date of this Act.

     Sec. C-2. 24-A MRSA §2743, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332, Pt. N, §2, is further amended to read:

§2743. Newborn children coverage

     All individual health insurance policies providing coverage on an expense incurred expense-incurred basis must provide that health insurance benefits are payable with respect to a newly born child of the insured or subscriber from the moment of birth.

     The coverage for newly born children shall must consist of coverage of injury or, sickness or other benefits provided by the policy, including the necessary care and treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects and birth abnormalities.

     If payment of a specific premium or subscription fee is required to provide coverage for a child, the policy or contract may require that notification of birth of a newly born child and payment of the required premium or fees must be furnished to the insurer or nonprofit service or indemnity corporation within 31 days after the date of birth in order to have the coverage continue beyond such that 31-day period. The payment may be required to be retroactive to the date of birth. Benefits required by section 2743-A must be paid regardless of whether coverage under this section is elected.

     The requirements of this section shall apply to all policies delivered or issued for delivery in this State more than 120 days after the effective date of this Act.

     Sec. C-3. 24-A MRSA §2834, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332, Pt. N, §3, is further amended to read:

§2834. Newborn children coverage

     All group and blanket health insurance policies providing coverage on an expense incurred basis must provide that health insurance benefits are payable for a newly born child of the insured or subscriber from the moment of birth. An adopted child is deemed to be newly born to the adoptive parents from the date of the signed placement agreement. Preexisting conditions of an adopted child may not be excluded from coverage.

     The coverage for newly born children shall must consist of coverage of injury or sickness or other benefits provided by the policy, including the necessary care and treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects and birth abnormalities.

     If payment of a specific premium or subscription fee is required to provide coverage for a child, the policy or contract may require that notification of birth of a newly born child and payment of the required premium or fees must be furnished to the insurer or nonprofit service or indemnity corporation within 31 days after the date of birth in order to have the coverage continue beyond such that 31-day period. The payment may be required to be retroactive to the date of birth. Benefits required by section 2834-A

     must be paid regardless of whether coverage under this section is elected.

     The requirements of this section shall apply to all policies delivered or issued for delivery in this State more than 120 days after the effective date of this Act.

     Sec. C-4. 24-A MRSA §4234-C is enacted to read:

§4234-C. Newborn children coverage

     All individual and group health maintenance organization contracts must provide that benefits are payable with respect to a newly born child from the moment of birth.

     The coverage for newly born children must consist of coverage of injury, sickness or other benefits provided by the contract, including the necessary care and treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects and birth abnormalities.

     If payment of a specific premium or subscription fee is required to provide coverage for a child, the contract may require that notification of birth of a newly born child and payment of the required fees must be furnished to the nonprofit hospital or medical service organization within 31 days after the date of birth in order to have the coverage continue beyond that 31-day period. The payment may be required to be retroactive to the date of birth. Benefits required by section 4234-B must be paid regardless of whether coverage under this section is elected.

     The requirements of this section apply to all contracts delivered or issued for delivery in this State on or after the effective date of this Act.

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