LD 1814 LR 986(06)
An Act to Reduce Mercury in the Environment by Phasing Out Certain Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-532)
H "B" (H-608) to C "A" (H-532)
Committee: Environment and Natural Resources
Fiscal Note
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Minor revenue increase - General Fund
Minor revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Correctional and Judicial Impact Statements
Establishes new civil violations. May increase the number of civil suits filed in the court system.
The additional workload associated with the minimal number of new cases filed in the court system does not require additional funding at this time. The collection of additional filing fees and fines will increase General Fund or other dedicated revenue by minor amounts.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill prohibits the sale or distribution of certain mercury-added lamps and provides for administrative and civil penalties for violating the prohibition.