LD 1874 LR 2397(03)
An Act To Clarify COVID-19 Paid Leave for School Employees
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-916)
Committee: Labor and Housing
Fiscal Note
Current biennium cost increase - Local school administrative units
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Amending the provisions of Public Law 2021, chapter 378, "An Act To Retroactively Grant Sick Leave Days to Public School Employees Affected by COVID-19" to 1) require school administrative units (SAU's) grant up to 15 days of "COVID-19 related" paid leave to public school employees with less than 60 accrued days of paid leave affected by the illness caused by COVID-19 to be used when needed by the employee; 2) restore "regular" sick leave days used to certain employees; and 3) compensate other employees that had COVID-19 related absences but were not eligible to be paid for those absences may result in increased costs to local school administrative units if the SAU pays more in total paid leave benefits and substitute teacher costs than it would have absent these changes. The impact on individual SAU's will depend on actual experience. To the extent that federal funds may be used to pay for the additional costs, the impact to SAU's may be mitigated.