LD 1276 LR 1318(05)
An Act To Improve Educational Assessments of Maine Students
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-280)
S "A" (S-219)
Committee: Education and Cultural Affairs
Fiscal Note
Current biennium cost increase - Federal Expenditures Fund
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This legislation requires the Department of Education to terminate the use of the Smarter Balanced assessment and to adopt a method of education assessment for the 2015-2016 school year and each school year thereafter that complies with federal law but does not collect or disseminate personal data and attributes of students.  The Department of Education has indicated that it will utilize existing federal funds to support the cost of this requirement and that the Federal Expenditures Fund allocations included as part of LD 1019, the Governor's proposed 2016-2017 biennial budget, if approved, will be sufficient to cover the expenditures.  Therefore, no additional allocations are needed.  This fiscal note may need to be adjusted depending on the final actions of the Legislature on the 2016-2017 biennial budget.