LD 1202
Session - 127th Maine Legislature
C "A", Filing Number S-171, Sponsored by
LR 1926
Item 2
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Amend the resolve by striking out everything after the title and before the summary and inserting the following:

Sec. 1. Engineering study; purchase fish for stocking. Resolved: That, notwithstanding any other law, during fiscal year 2015-16, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may spend up to $700,000 from the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife carrying account, General Fund account within the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to do the following:

1. Contract for an engineering study regarding upgrading the Grand Lake Stream Fish Hatchery. The study must include, but is not limited to, an analysis of the feasibility and cost of a new cold water supply to that hatchery to raise fall yearly brook trout;

2. Contract for an engineering study regarding the construction of a new fish hatchery in the State. The study must also include a comparative analysis on whether the State can best achieve its fish stocking objectives through the construction of a new fish hatchery or through upgrades to existing state-owned fish hatcheries; and

3. Use any funds authorized pursuant to this resolve in excess of the amount needed to conduct the engineering studies described in subsections 1 and 2 to purchase fish to stock the inland waters of the State; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report. Resolved: That, no later than February 1, 2016, the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife shall submit a report regarding its progress on meeting the provisions of this resolve, including any findings and recommendations, to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may introduce a bill during the Second Regular Session of the 127th Legislature regarding matters related to the report.’


This amendment increases the amount the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife may spend from the department's carrying account during fiscal year 2015-16 for fish stocking purposes from $200,000, as in the resolve, to $700,000 and authorizes the department to use that money:

1. To contract for an engineering study to upgrade the Grand Lake Stream Fish Hatchery. The study must include an analysis of the feasibility and cost of a new cold water supply to that hatchery to raise fall yearly brook trout;

2. To contract for an engineering study for the construction of a new fish hatchery in the State. The study must include a comparative analysis on whether the State can best achieve its fish stocking objectives through the construction of a new fish hatchery or through upgrades to existing state-owned fish hatcheries; and

3. To use any remaining funds to purchase fish to stock the inland waters of the State.

This amendment requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to submit a report, including any findings and recommendations, to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by February 1, 2016.

(See attached)

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