LD 1102
Session - 127th Maine Legislature
LR 783
Item 1
Bill Tracking, Additional Documents Chamber Status

Resolve, Establishing the Commission To Study the Needs, Opportunities and Efficiency Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine

Sec. 1. Commission established. Resolved: That the Commission To Study the Needs, Opportunities and Efficiency Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine, referred to in this resolve as "the commission," is established; and be it further

Sec. 2. Commission membership. Resolved: That the commission consists of the following 10 members:

1. Two members of the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, one member appointed by the President of the Senate and one member appointed by the Speaker of the House;

2. Two licensed anglers, one member appointed by the President of the Senate and one member appointed by the Speaker of the House;

3. The Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife or the commissioner's designee;

4. The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's superintendent of fish culture, appointed by the Governor, or the superintendent's designee;

5. One member of the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council, appointed by the Governor;

6. One member representing a fish and game club, appointed by the Governor;

7. One member who owns and operates a private aquaculture facility in the State, appointed by the Governor; and

8. One member of the Sportsman's Alliance of Maine, nominated by the executive director of that organization and appointed by the Governor; and be it further

Sec. 3. Appointments; meetings. Resolved: That all appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this resolve. The appointing authorities must notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council upon making their appointments. When the appointment of all members is complete, the chair of the Legislative Council shall call and convene the first meeting of the commission no later than October 15, 2015. The commission shall select a chair from among its legislative members; and be it further

Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the commission shall study, assess and evaluate salmonid fish culture facilities in the State and associated production and distribution capabilities, opportunities and needs. In carrying out this study, the commission shall:

1. Examine the costs of production, the numbers and species of fish stocked and the return on stocked fish, both in this State and other states;

2. Conduct a survey of licensed anglers in the State, using contact lists at the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, to assess the anglers' interest in and satisfaction with fish stocked by the State; and

3. Make recommendations designed to provide for the production and distribution of fish sufficient to meet current and future demand in the most cost-effective manner; and be it further

Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the commission shall request staffing assistance from the Legislative Council; and be it further

Sec. 6. Reimbursement. Resolved: That the members of the commission are entitled to reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses upon application to the Legislative Council. The Executive Director of the Legislative Council shall administer the commission's budget; and be it further

Sec. 7. Report. Resolved: That the commission shall submit a report, together with any necessary implementing legislation, to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife no later than January 15, 2016.


This resolve creates the Commission To Study the Needs, Opportunities and Efficiency Associated with the Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine. The commission is required to submit its report and any accompanying legislation to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by January 15, 2016.

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