LD 1711 LR 2644(05)
An Act To Adopt the Use of Standardized Risk Assessment in the Management of Domestic Violence Crimes
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-890)
S "A" (S-600)
Committee: Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Fiscal Note
State Mandate - Exempted
State Mandates
Required Activity Unit Affected Local Cost
Requires law enforcement agencies to develop policies and procedures for the use of, and submission of the results of, a validated, evidence-based domestic violence risk assessment. Municipality
Insignificant statewide
Pursuant to the Mandate Preamble, the two-thirds vote of all members elected to each House exempts the state from the constitutional requirement to fund 90% of the additional costs.
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Additional costs to the Department of Public Safety associated with approving risk assessment and developing policies and procedures can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources.