LD 1422 LR 1901(11)
An Act To Prepare Maine People for the Future Economy
Fiscal Note for House Amendment "   " to Committee Amendment "A"
Sponsor: Rep. Beliveau of Kittery
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
No net State fiscal impact
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Requiring that, beginning in fiscal year 2012-13 and every subsequent school year, a portion of the targeted funds allocated within the essential programs and services funding model to implement a standards-based system be dedicated to provide one additional day of professional development for teachers in each school administrative unit to achieve the transition to proficiency-based standards for awarding a high school diploma will not increase the total cost of K-12 public education or the state's share of that cost.
This amendment requires the Commissioner of Education to include in the annual funding recommendations for essential programs and services funding for an additional day of professional development for school administrative units that submit the required plan for targeted funds.  Whether this funding will be approved in enacted budgets can not be determined at this time.