LD 1206 LR 648(02)
An Act To Amend the School Consolidation Laws Pertaining to Higher Performing Schools
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "   "
Committee: Education and Cultural Affairs
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
No state fiscal impact
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This legislation will not affect the total state and local cost of K-12 public education or the state's share of that cost.  Also, according to the Department of Education, there will be no fiscal impact to local school administrative units.  This is because, of the 9 school administrative units that have at least 2 schools identified as "high performing" in the May 2007 Maine Education Policy Research Institute report "The Identification of Higher and Lower Performing Maine Schools", 8 have either approved alternative plans or have reorganized into Regional School Units or Alternative Organizational Structures.  The 9th school administrative unit does not meet the requirement pursuant to Title 20-A, §36, sub-§2, paragraph B(4)(b).