LD 643 LR 1555(06)
An Act To Protect Public Safety in the Operation of Casinos
Fiscal Note for Bill as Engrossed with:
C "A" (H-547)
S "A" (S-368) to C "A" (H-547)
Committee: Veterans and Legal Affairs
Fiscal Note
Future biennium revenue decrease - General Fund
Future biennium revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This legislation provides that casino and racino application and license fees are deposited into a dedicated account within the Department of Public Safety, Gambling Control Board.  Currently, these fees are deposited into the General Fund.  The original estimate of the reduction in General Fund revenues during the First Regular Session was $703,400 beginning in fiscal year 2013-14 with a corresponding increase in Other Special Revenue Funds revenue.
The revenue forecast was revised in the intervening period and the resulting reduction in General Fund revenue and increase in Other Special Revenue Funds revenue is projected to be $555,800 beginning in fiscal year 2013-14.  This amount was reflected as an adjustment in the Revenue Forecasting Committee's March 2012 revenue forecast.  Therefore, no revenue adjustments are reflected in this fiscal note to avoid double counting the revenue effect.
Additional costs to the Department of Public Safety associated with rulemaking and reporting on those rules can be absorbed with existing staff and within existing budgeted resources.