LD 1646 LR 2173(02)
An Act To Establish a Broadband Policy for Maine
Fiscal Note for Bill as Amended by Committee Amendment "   "
Committee: Utilities and Energy
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Minor cost increase - All Funds
Minor revenue decrease - All Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
This bill does not specifically require any action by state agencies.  However, some goals, most notably the goal of rates for on-line renewal of permits and licenses at rates equal to or less than rates for in-person renewals, may result in reductions of fee revenue to the extent that the fees are established administratively rather than by statute and other goals may result in additional expenditures by state agencies.  The impact on fee revenue is not expected to be significant and any additional activities necessitating additional costs are expected to be implemented within existing budgeted resources.