LD 1147
First Regular Session - 124th Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 826
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Allow the Secretary of State and the InforME Board To Facilitate the Payment of Outstanding Parking Tickets When Registering a Motor Vehicle

Sec. 1. Develop program. Resolved: That the Secretary of State and the InforME Board shall work together to develop a program that would allow a municipality to forward information concerning outstanding parking tickets to InforME. The Department of the Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles must have access to the information. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles may use the information to advise a person who is registering a motor vehicle of an outstanding ticket and the option of paying the ticket at the time of registration of the motor vehicle; and be it further

Sec. 2. Money disbursement. Resolved: That the Secretary of State and the InforME Board shall work with any municipality that forwards information to InforME to set up guidelines for the disbursement of money received for payment of any outstanding parking tickets.


This resolve allows the Secretary of State and the InforME Board to develop a program that would allow a municipality to forward information concerning outstanding parking tickets to InforME. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles within the Department of the Secretary of State may use that information to advise a person that the person may pay any outstanding tickets at the time of registration of a motor vehicle.

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