LD 2048
First Special Session - 123rd Legislature - Text: MS-Word, RTF or PDF LR 2877
Item 14
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Amend the amendment in section 2 in §1691 in subsection 7 in the last line (page 2, line 13 in amendment) by striking out the following: " may" and inserting the following: ' will likely'

Amend the amendment in section 2 in §1693 in subsection 1 in the first line (page 3, line 4 in amendment) by striking out the following: " consultation" and inserting the following: ' concurrence'

Amend the amendment in section 2 in §1694 in subsection 1 in the 2nd line (page 3, line 21 in amendment) by inserting after the following: " finds" the following: ' , in concurrence with the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention'

Amend the amendment in section 2 in §1694 by striking out all of subsection 3 (page 4, lines 1 to 4 in amendment)

Amend the amendment by inserting after section 3 the following:

Sec. 4. Stakeholder group convened. Prior to designation of a priority chemical pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section 1694, subsection 1, the Commissioner of Environmental Protection shall convene a stakeholder group that includes representatives of consumer product manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, retailers, trade associations, nonprofit health organizations, business and environmental groups and other affected parties and shall invite the participation of independent experts with relevant experience with chemicals. The commissioner shall seek recommendations from the group on:

1. Development of a protocol to be utilized for the designation of priority chemicals;

2. The responsibilities, activities and proposed rules necessary to implement Title 38, chapter 16-D; and

3. Stakeholder issues of concern.’


This amendment:

1. Changes the definition of "children's product" to specify that it applies to a product containing a chemical of high concern that will likely result in exposure to that chemical by a child or fetus;

2. Requires the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to be in concurrence regarding the identification of chemicals of high concern and the identification of priority chemicals; and

3. Requires the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to convene a stakeholder group prior to designating priority chemicals that includes representatives of nonprofit health organizations, business and environmental groups, consumer product manufacturers, chemical manufacturers, retailers, trade associations and other parties affected by this legislation and to invite independent experts with relevant experience in chemicals to participate. The commissioner is required to seek recommendations from the stakeholder group regarding protocols for designating priority chemicals, rulemaking to implement the requirements of the toxic chemicals in children's products provisions and other issues of concern to the stakeholder group.

(See attached)

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