LD 525
First Regular Session - 123rd Maine Legislature
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LR 731
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Stimulate Tourism Development Projects

Sec. 1. The Office of Tourism to develop a nature-based tourism program. Resolved: That the Office of Tourism shall develop a nature-based tourism program in 3 separate areas of the State and target and coordinate its tourism development efforts in these areas so that the program will serve as a model for future tourism efforts throughout the State; and be it further

Sec. 2. Reporting date established. Resolved: That the Office of Tourism shall report on its progress in developing the nature-based tourism program to the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development by February 1, 2008.


This resolve directs the Office of Tourism to develop a nature-based tourism program in 3 separate areas of the State and requires the office to report on its progress in developing the program to the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development by February 1, 2008.

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