LD 142
First Regular Session - 123rd Maine Legislature
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LR 271
Item 1
Bill Tracking Chamber Status

Resolve, To Improve the Professional Development of County Officials

Sec. 1. Intergovernmental Advisory Commission to establish a working group to improve the professional development of county officials. Resolved: That the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission, established under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 12004-I, subsection 75-C, shall establish a working group to improve the professional development opportunities available to county officials. The working group shall examine the existing professional development opportunities available to county officials, current qualifications required for office and the possibility for requiring additional qualifications for certain offices and develop an appropriate design for improving professional development. The working group shall also examine the feasibility of appointing officials where election is the current method of selection. The working group must include representatives of the Maine County Commissioners Association; Maine Sheriffs’ Association; Maine Registers of Deeds Association; Maine Association of Registers of Probate; Maine Treasurers Association; Maine District Attorneys Association; Maine Municipal Association; and Executive Department, State Planning Office and others as determined appropriate by the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission; and be it further

Sec. 2. Report and recommendations. Resolved: That the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission shall report the findings of the working group under section 1 and recommendations, including suggested legislation if appropriate, to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government no later than January 15, 2008; and be it further

Sec. 3. Authority to report out legislation. Resolved: That the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government is authorized to report out legislation concerning the study under section 1 to the Second Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature.


This resolve directs the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission to establish a working group to examine the professional development available to county officials and make recommendations on how to improve professional development, including the possibility of requiring new qualifications and updating those currently required for county officials. The working group shall also consider the feasibility of having county officials appointed where election is the current method of selection. The working group shall report its findings to the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government by January 15, 2008. The Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government may report out legislation.

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