LD 471 LR 1647(01)
An Act To Prohibit State Departments, Agencies and Bureaus from Conducting Business with Any Entity That Outsources Services Outside of the United States of America
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Rep. Cressey of Cornish
Committee: State and Local Government
Fiscal Note Required : Yes
Fiscal Note
Projections Projections
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Net Cost (Savings)
General Fund $78,844 $105,125 $107,753 $110,447
General Fund $78,844 $105,125 $107,753 $110,447
Fiscal Detail and Notes
Prohibiting departments and agencies from outsourcing business outside of the United States of America will require a General Fund appropriation to the Bureau of Purchases within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services in the amount of $78,844 in fiscal year 2005-06 and $105,125 in fiscal year 2006-07.  This appropriation will provide funds for two Procurement Specialist positions and general operating expenses required to carry out the purpose of this act.  In addition, this proposed outsourcing prohibition which includes all contracts and procurements by the state may result in a significant increase in costs of goods and services in an amount that can not be determined at this time.  These additional costs would be over and above the amounts shown.