LD 286
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LR 953
Item 1

development of options for improvement, including but not limited
to opportunities for greater recognition and reward for managing
growth pursuant to the growth management laws, and clarification of
the State's role in ensuring compliance with state land use law and
policy; and

3. Development of options for improvement of comprehensive
planning statewide, including but not limited to recommended
changes to: the focus and contents of local comprehensive plans;
local, regional and state procedures for development, review and
coordination of comprehensive plans; and the growth management
laws that would result in better land use planning; and be it

Sec. 4. Cost assessment. Resolved: That the office shall assess the
projected costs to the State and its political subdivisions of
developing and implementing any changes in law or policy proposed
pursuant to this resolve and the adequacy of existing resources
to develop and implement those changes. The office shall clearly
identify any recommendations the development or implementation of
which would require additional governmental resources; and be it

Sec. 5. Report. Resolved: That, by February 1, 2006, the office
shall develop and submit to the Joint Standing Committee on
Natural Resources and the Community Preservation Advisory
Committee, established pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 30-A, section 4350, a final report, along with any proposed
legislation, that summarizes the study undertaken pursuant to
this resolve and outlines both short-term and long-term
recommendations; and be it further

Sec. 6. Authority to report out legislation. Resolved: That the Joint Standing
Committee on Natural Resources is authorized to report out legislation
relating to the study undertaken pursuant to this resolve to the Second
Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.

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