LD 1574
pg. 1
LD 1574 Title Page An Act To Assist Towns with the Implementation of the Laws Governing Growth Man... Page 2 of 4
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LR 1912
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §4301, sub-§4-C is enacted to read:

4-C. Consistent.__"Consistent" when applied to the requirement
that an ordinance be consistent with a comprehensive plan
describes a provision of an ordinance that, on its own, is
sufficient to cause the implementation of a policy or
recommendation of a comprehensive plan, is a necessary
contribution toward the implementation of a policy or
recommendation of a comprehensive plan or increases the
probability of implementation of a policy or recommendation of a
comprehensive plan.__A provision of an ordinance that is related
to a recommendation or policy of a comprehensive plan but that
has no effect on, interferes with or prevents the implementation
of the policy or recommendation is not consistent with the
comprehensive plan.

Sec. 2. 30-A MRSA §4346-A is enacted to read:

§4346-A.__Funds for community preservation

1. Establishment of municipal community preservation funds.__A
municipality that has adopted a comprehensive plan that has been
determined by the office to be consistent with this subchapter
may establish a municipal community preservation fund for the
purpose of applying for matching grants from the Maine Community
Preservation Trust Fund created in subsection 4.__The
municipality shall use the funds to implement the recommendations
contained in the comprehensive plan relating to:

A. The completion and implementation of local land use
ordinances in accordance with the adopted comprehensive

B.__The acquisition, creation and preservation of open space
and waterfront access;

C. The acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and
restoration of historic resources;

D. The acquisition, creation and preservation of land for
recreational use;

E. The creation, preservation and support of affordable
housing within designated growth areas;

F. The preservation and economic development of downtown or
village areas; and

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